Tuesday 11 October 2011



  1. The limited area of seat in bus stop and and small space to accommdate people.
  2. Hide sign board from the people sight.
  3. The bus stop can't secure people from rain and hot.
  4. People do not know the schedule of the bus.
  5. The bus stop too dark of hight and just depend light from Mega Mall.


  1. Renovate the spacing area of bus stop more and make more seat at here.
  2. Use glittering sign board and put it on the root top of the bus stop.
  3. Build a new signboard which have time and date of bus's schedule.
  4. Build shelter to protect user and make them comfortable
  5. Fix lamp and fan in the bus stop.


  • depositphotos.com
  • yaymicro.com
  • infrastructurist.com
  • orum.xcitefun.net
  • commons.wikimedia.org

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