Wednesday 12 October 2011

18.Main signboard

There are a few problem about Megamall Signboard:

  1.    Older design with classic patern.
  2.       Hide from people sight.
  3.       The paint too dull and not suitable for the second largest mall in Kuantan.
  4.      The picture are not suitable and the colour look shabby.
  5.        People become bored when them seeing the same signboard for a recent year.

There are a few solution for Megamall Signboard:
  1.   Change the older patern to the latest and modern patern.
  2.  Build a new signboard not too high nor too low.
  3.  Change the colour of paint to a new colour that more bright and more cheerful.
  4.  Put the new picture that suitable to represent the identities of  Megamall.
  5.  Use the electronic signboard (LCD) that more sleek to replace the older signboard

an example.

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