Wednesday 12 October 2011

14.Notice Board

Problems of the notice board in the Megamall are:

  1.   The information on the notice board has to be physically pinned up.
  2.  The notice boards cluttered with older messages.
  3. Not attractive.
  4.   The information that pinned up are not real at time. This become a problem if  it in emergency situations.
  5.  The notice board can’t taken to outside because of weather factors.

Solutions of the notice board in the Megamall are:
  1.   By using electronics notice board, information can be uploaded centrally and distributed to all notice boards on a site.
  2.  This gadjet also make the information less clutter. The older messages can be deleted and the newer messages given precedents.
  3.  Make it more aesthetics. It is like more attractive than conventional cluttered notice board.
  4.   Using the electronic notice board, the information provision in realtime. This is crucial for emergency situations.
  5.   The electronics notice board can be taken outside too.


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